Rotterdam Benelux Winner


Rotterdam 06-09-2014 Benelux Winner Show

Keurmeester Dhr.Laurent Pichard


                  REUEN                                             TEVEN

Baby klas


Baby klas




Puppy klas

1 VB Beste Westie Puppy/ BIS7 Puppy

Caithness Poproyal

Eig.: Lia Meerwijk

2 VB The Dashing Devil’s Jingle Bells

Eig.: I.E.Krijnen

Jeugd klas

1 exc./.J.CAC/CAC/Benelux Jeugdwinner/Benelux Winner´14/ BOS

The Dashing Devil’s Full of Fire

Eig.: J.A.Kuik

2 exc.Caithness Pompidou

Eig.: Lia meerwijk


Jeugd klas

1 exc.J.CAC/Benelux Jeugdwinner´14

Charise’s White My Pie


2 exc.White Vilan I’m the One

Eig.: T.Gouw-de Heer

3exc. Highland Hunter’s Magic Fireworks

Eig.: Y.J.A.J.Jagers-Hermes

4 ZG New years Surprise Roparu Lodge

Eig.P en H van Ballegooij

ZG Zamira You´s My Friend Forever

Eig. M.Avereesch/vd Kamp

Jonge Honden klas

1 ZG Hopecharm Friendly Fire

Eig.: N.Blijleven

Jonge Honden klas

1 exc./res.CAC/res.CACIB The Dashing Devil´s To Hot To Handle

Eig. K.en S.vd Veen

Open klas

1 exc./res.CAC/CACIB Rockcliff’s No Limit Reuver

2 exc. Bocan’s Backin Business

Eig.K. en S. vd Veen

3 exc. Rustically’s Soul Sensation

Eig.: I.Krabbe

Open klas

1 exc./CAC/CACIB/Benelux Winner´14 BOB

Caithness Plug and Play


2 exc.Rockcliff´s Kiss me Twice

Eig. Reuver

Kampioens klas

1 exc.res.CACIB Chocan Amazing Valdemar

Eig.: D.W.Juhl


Kampioens klas

1 exc. From Dash Mountain Farm’s Flame

Eig.: Y.J.A.J.Jagers-Hermes


Veteranen klas

1 exc.Vet.CAC Benelux Veteranenwinner´14

Highland Hunter´s Cascade


                                                                   Caithness Plug and Play
                                                                     CAC/CACIB/BOB/Benelux W'14
                                                                                                                                      Charise's White My Pie
                                                                     J.CAC/Benelux JW'14
                                                                   Caithness Poproyal
                                                                     VB/beste Westie puppy/BIS 7 puppy
                                                                     (all breeds)